Appliance Repair Columbus OH

Stove Repair Columbus

Stove Care and Safety Tips

The most beneficial stove maintenance tip is keeping it clean. Keeping the stove top clean is not merely important for appearances, but safety as well. Scouring the stove top is certainly a tiresome chore, so preventative care is the most recommended remedy. Listed below are some beneficial stove care pointers from the Columbus stove repair experts at Northwest Appliance Service:

  • Wipe all spills as quickly as possible and if necessary, clean the stove top just before cooking food to prevent debris from being cooked onto the surface, making the task more challenging
  • Always keep electric and gas burners spotless. Clean burners generate heat much better so they will operate more efficiently. Food and debris on or inside the burner can possibly be a fire threat.
  • Turn off electric burners two to three minutes before cooking is complete to let the remaining heat finish the job.
  • Use only a pot or pan that matches the burner. The right size pot or pan will disperse heat more effectively, and a lot less energy will be wasted heating the air.
  • Change out drip pans when they become permanently stained
  • Food spills or cooking grease accumulation is a dangerous fire hazard. If overlooked, a soiled stove will be pretty much impossible to clean and return to new condition. Various foods can ruin the coating and lead to rust and corrosion. Always keeping it clean is the best way to preserve its looks.

Final Tip:  Never attempt to repair a malfunctioning stove yourself!  Call the licensed stove repair specialist at NW Appliance Service at 614-761-1353 and they will send a qualified technician to diagnose and repair the problem to get you cooking again!